Topic: Evaluation

As used herein, the process for supplying a non-empty (but possibly disjoint) set of points in a space associated with a topical parameter.


A circumstance expresses the exogenous dependencies of a measure parameter’s output value.  Here, the plural “dependencies” is used to indicate that the relationship between the circumstance and the measure can be thought of as a tensor field of arbitrary order on a non-Euclidean manifold and, therefore, can be very complicated.  

Combustion Products Topical Analysis and Descriptive Topical Parameterization

One portion of a NASA technical note (NASA TN D-5452 "Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Air and the Combustion Products of Natural Gas and of ASTM-A-1 Fuel with Air") is topically analyzed as an example of the process.   read more.

Upon Evaluation

The abstract notion of a "value" is defined for the System Engineering context, with a mild support from certain topological principles.   read more.


(1) In the technical vernacular, a value is the exact amount of some particular property, usually represented as a number.   (2) As generally used herein, a value is a non-empty set of points in a space associated with a topical parameter.  This notion arises because exact amounts are rarely encountered outside of theoretical constructs1. ... read more