Topic: Things I Think I Know (W – Z)

Waiver (developmental)

A formal recognition that a qualification activity failed to show compliance with an allocated requirement, after an attempt to qualify has been made. Contrast with deviation and waiver (flight).  

Waiver (flight)

In NASA usage, a flight-by-flight relief from some standing constraint. Contrast with deviation and waiver (developmental).  

WBS Element

A single line item of a WBS.  

will (usage of)

In legacy specification practices, “will” indicated simple futurity rather than need or intent. This contradicts normal legal usage and, because specifications are contractual documents, raises the potential for multiple interpretations when things end up in court. My best guidance is “don’t ever use ‘will’ in a specification”. Indicate simple futurity by using “is”. Contrast with... read more  


In the opinion of the Party of the First Part, the Party of the Second Part has behaved improperly. If the Party of the First Part is superior to the Party of the Second Part (and doesn’t expect to need their help in the future, or just doesn’t care) the Party of the Second Part... read more  

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

A hierarchical organization of all the work (effort) required to complete a project. See MIL-STD-881 and follow it. It is conceptually complete and cogent. It is sometimes supposed that a WBS should follow the contractor’s organizational structure (hierarchy of managers), because it is easier to see how the tasks rack-and-stack to the organization. The notion... read more