
The second phase of site redesign is complete, incorporating modest changes in organization and navigation and a radical change in the deployment mechanism.  It only took about three months.

Actually…it took only about one month.  It took about two months to figure out how to do it all while minimizing the disruption.

Organizationally, the site is now more cleanly divided between the “Things I Think I Know” (TITIK), and the Exegeses.  The Extended Verification Methods have been combined into a single URL, similar to the original white paper.  The CMS’ categorization features have been superseded by a directly-controlled set of topic pages, eliminating some issues with the automated pagination.  Technical categories assigned to each essay, example, and TITIK are now displayed as a live link in the sidebar on each page.

Navigation has been simplified with the addition of drop-down menus for the Exegeses, TITIK, and a smattering of “help” for the reader.  Each of the first two have a dedicated introduction, as does the entire site.

The dynamic CMS has been taken off line, being replaced with static html.  There might (or might not) still be a few broken links to find.  Eliminating the dynamic CMS will significantly reduce my workload in site maintenance by eliminating the impact of security updates, which have been experiencing an uptick in frequency.

More to come.