Vicissitudes of Developmental Fortune

Issues will crop up that were not foreseen by the SEMP/SMP/MVP or Recovery Plan of the Week.

“It seemed like a good idea when we wrote the requirements. It just didn’t work very well.”

New technologies and new uses of existing technologies will turn out to need restrictive or integrating requirements that were not understood when the requirements were written1. They can also cause the original parameterization of requirement measures to become irrelevant2.

Developmental suppliers will go out of business, leaving nobody to tweak their hardware and software after initial delivery.

New End User and Acquisition personnel will diverge from the requirement interpretations used by their predecessors.


Congress will dramatically cut the developmental funding for the project, resulting in a permanent floating SRR3.

You get the idea. This kind of stuff happens. If you can’t handle it, look for another line of work.

  1. These notions are sometimes referred to as “disruptive”.[]
  2. or dead wrong[]
  3. The program that eventually became ISS suffered from this for over a decade.[]