Topic: Technical Requirements

A requirement with regard to what an Engineered item does for the End User.  Contrast with Operational Requirement, which is what the End User accomplishes through the use of the item.   See the thing I think I know about that.

Classification In the Compilation Context

Most material from which parameterizations are extracted were not written to make that task easy. The idea of extracting and classifying engineering data (e.g., requirements) from such source material is described along with a candidate framework.   read more.

Qualitative Requirement

In a perfect world, all characteristics could be parameterized.  Unfortunately, the world is less than perfect: some requirements remain “qualitative” and, therefore, unmeasured.  That situation is often problematic, because it is difficult to determine whether or not such requirements have been met. In many cases, non-quantification can be addressed through the use of a surrogate verification... read more  

Qualitative Requirement “Binding”

An excerpt from MIL-A-83577B (Assemblies, Moving Mechanical, for Space and Launch Vehicles, General Specification for) is analyzed to concretely demonstrate topical analysis and parameterization.   read more.


A situation where a technical characterization having direct relevance has been replaced by one having contrived relevance, usually by way of analytical inference. Surrogation is most commonly seen in the context of technical requirements where, in the legacy, they’re sometimes known as “in-lieu-of” requirements.  In some cases, the surrogate can be construed as a Similarity Parameter. Contrast with... read more